What is Blogging? Difference between BLOG and Website?

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What Is Blogging


Blogging words refer to the process of composing or creating articles/blog posts and/or putting them online. Normally, bloggers express themselves on various issues about which they have opinions, knowledge, practice or view. It is a well-known channel for anybody. A company, or a firm to interact with people in the society (Earn online money).
You update and place materials or posts on a specific topic on your blog frequently. If you are eager to learn you are in the right place:


In this post we talk about
  • Definition | Meaning of blog
  • What is Blog
  • Difference Between a Website and a Blog
  • How Does Blogging Work
  • Different  Types of Blogs 


Definition | Meaning of blog

A blog is a form of Web site on which the Webmaster or Web admin puts articles in everyday language, episodes of the author’s life and opinion of the particular problem – or in fact anything. The word “blog” is derived from the longer, and older term “weblog. ”

In other words, a blog is an online website where people express themselves on almost anything that they want to. Blog can be defined as a website where the owner can make posts on whatever topic of his her choice .

The principal type of content that a blog MOSTLY consists of is written content usually referred to as blog posts. It should be noted that on the blog posts can be written freely. In the same manner and register as people talk to each other (Earn online money).

A blog can be on anything the owner wants, but most blogs are usually specialized. They can be about fashion, beauty, lifestyle, food, travelling, parenting, finance, and many more.


What is Blog ?